OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

To Add and Create a New Design Option File

  1. Click Enable Design Options in the Program Manager dialog.

    The Design Options Settings Tab gets added in the Program Manager dialog.

    Note: Enable Design Options can be enabled/disabled only in non-design option file.
  2. Click Add in the Design Options Settings Tab to add one or more design option files.

    A Design Option file Tab for example, Design Option 1 is added dynamically in the Program Manager dialog. Similarly other Design Option file Tabs gets added dynamically.

  3. Click Make new file for design option to create a new design option file.

    The Create New Design Option File dialog opens from where you can either enter filename in the File name textbox or select an existing design option file.

  4. Click Save to save the design option file else click Cancel to discard the changes.

    If you select an existing design option file a Confirm Save As dialog opens, click Yes to replace the file else click No.

    Note: The design option filename is displayed in the Design Option File Name column after creating a new design option file.
    Note: You can rename Design Option Name and Design Option File Name with different unique names.
  5. Click Browse to select the DGN for design option to select the design option file from its location and then click Open.
    Note: Single attachment of a design option file is only allowed else it gives the following error message "Design file already attached to other design option. Multiple attachments not allowed." in the Message Center.
  6. Click Duplicate in the Design Options Settings Tab.
    A copy of design option file is created with all the spaces present in it and a new tab, for example, Copy of Design Option 1 is added in the Program Manager dialog. The Path column displays the linked path of duplicate design option file.
    Note: The Duplicate option is enabled only after creating a new design option file.
  7. Select a design option file and click Remove to remove the file.
  8. Click Open.

    It opens the respective design option file, for example, Design Option 1.dgn.